It’s been a good year.
I started my own business.
I made lots of yummy food, mostly healthy with some desserts.
I got married and had a Hallowedding.
I started a garden; though a challenging year, it was still a good one.
I traveled to Costa Rica, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy and Belgium.
I learned more about love and the many ways that it’s beautiful.
I met some of the best chefs in Dallas.
And even had the chance to try some of their food…
I went to California and discovered heaven in a tomato and waves of peace in an ocean.
I photographed a few weddings and look forward to more next year.
I started my first film project — 1-2 Simple Cooking and it was awesome. Can’t wait to show you guys soon!
I became more connected to nature, to food, and most importantly, myself.
I learned the best way to live life is to be yourself – chase fearlessly, choose wisely and always love openly. Life is too short to live otherwise.
Thanks to everyone who made this year so special. I can’t wait to see what 2012 will have in store. Happy New Year to you!
Happy New year, Joy!
It was a pleasure sharing it with you and your blog
Thank you Nadia — Happy New Year to you too!!
Happy New Year, Joy! Sounds like 2011 was a wonderful year… bet there’s even more awesomeness around the corner for you in 2012.
Happy New Year to you dear Isabelle!!! Let’s make 2012 a great one for the both of us
Beautiful year, Joy. I hope this year will be even better for you.
Thank you magda!!!
Happy 2012, Joy! You had such a big 2011 year. I can’t wait to see what you cook up next (haha, punny)
Thanks Elissa!! LOL you’re a goober
Loved this look back at your year – and what a great way to chronicle it, with such lovely photography.
Thank you Michele — all the best to you in 2012!
You live a charmed life, Joy. GladI know you. Happy new year.
Happy New Year Steven!!!
This is lovely Joy! You are so talented and I know this year will be even better for you than the last!! Happy New Year and lots of love and light for 2012!!
Thank you sweet Linda!!!! I know 2012 will be big for you as well, thank you for always being such a great friend
Wow. You are truly blessed. I lead an incredibly boring life compared to you, although I also got married and that makes up for it!
Do you have a recipe posted for those scallops? The perfect sear!
Thank you Heather!! I didn’t make those scallops actually, they are from Bistro 31 here in Dallas
charmed charmed! Beautiful review of the year my friend.
Thank you!!!
Joy, I don’t know you, and I stumbled upon this quite by accident but I had to comment on the beautiful,simple set up of your photos. They actually bought tears to my eyes. LOVELY is all I have to say. I can only assume you were married this year (and expecting)… Congratulations and best wishes. You do amazing work! Keep it up and please since you now have my email, let me know where I can find more of your work. I am getting married next year and would love to have you photograph it, but I have no idea where you are located. Either way, thank you this is amazing…. scallops recipe? Can I have it?
I have some huge sea scallops in my fridge and dying to make something yummy with them! xox. All the best in 2012!
Thank you for your beautiful words Eileen — shot you an e mail!
What is the 6th picture?
Kabocha Squash Cake!
Stunningly beautiful images…one is equally as beautiful as the next.
Thank you Joan Happy New Year to you!
Since the moment I came across your beautiful blog, I have been inspired by every single post. Happy New Year! Looking forward to meeting you!