So a couple happenings have been going on here at Joylicious. Sorry for the lack of updates but I am back and ready to attack!! I hope you guys are enjoying the new layout. I figured it was a better representation of who I am and it also gives you guys the freedom to poke around at my other works outside of food .
First and foremost, Artizone has launched some new vendors that will surely make Dallasites swoon. These partners include Rex’s Seafood, Larken Farms, Kessler Cookie Company, Holy Ravioli and more — check out more here. I recently made and photographed this simple dessert — Blondies with Roasted Peaches topped with a generous scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. Yes it tastes absolutely ridiculously delicious. Check out the recipe over at Artizone.
I’ve also recently had the honor to guest post for some of my favorite blogger friends. Liren from Kitchen Confidante is simply a beautiful soul. Based out in San Francisco (you lucky lucky girl), Liren finds inspiration in food through her beautiful yet simplistic recipes and certainly her wonderful photography. I went ahead and shared my recipe for a Spicy Basil Walnut Pesto as a way to use the abundance of basil that’s been growing in our garden. Please be sure to show Liren your upmost love!
Next up is the uber-talented Sukaina from Sips and Spoonfuls. I truly admire Sukina not only for her obvious talent but her unwavering strength and attitude on life. She writes a beautiful blog that inerweaves stories of her past present and even future and ties them into her awe-inspiring recipes. You can only imagine my delight when she asked me to guest blog. I wanted to feature a refreshing Summer recipe that used cucumbers from our garden and decided on a Chilled Soba Noodle dish and topped it with a farm fresh egg from Busy Bs.
I also did a photoshoot for Red Fork Restaurant here in Dallas — this was one of my favorite images. Doesnt that burger just scream ” Eat the sh*t out of me???” Check out their menu for more tasty fare…
Lastly, this image I captured on a flight home to Dallas from Houston. Sometimes you find God’s miracles in some of the most unexpected places. I had my camera stowed away because I was sitting in the first row but I couldn’t help but shuffle it out to capture such a view.
I’ve really miss yall this Summer with all the traveling and such and I am glad to be back . Hope you guys have a great weekend – eat lots, drink often and be merry!
Great clicks! Really fantastic.
Off to check out that guest post.
Whoah whoah nice pics of nice food!
I have so much to catch up on, Joy, but I had to comment on these beautiful images. Nothing new coming from you but always a treat for my eyes when I visit here. I’ve been AWOL from my blog for a few weeks and am now ready to return. Glad to see you’ve had a nice summer, too.
Beautiful post, Joy! Did you read about RedFork? I’m sad that I won’t get to try the amazing deliciousness, but glad you got the chance. Look forward to more blogs soon.
Stunning images!
Yes, that burger does look amazing!! Yum Yum! You’ve been a busy gal so thanks for taking the time out to do me a wonderful guest post. Most appreciated
Love the site! and the photos!!
Especially of the one in the plane….I love how majestic clouds are.
That burger is AMAZing! me want
Great to see an update on your blog. Loving the new layout
Bellissime foto, ciao