The very first cups of hot chocolate was drank by the Mayans over 2000 years ago. They ground cocoa seeds into a paste and mixed it with water, cornmeal, chile peppers and other ingredients. The drink was also said to have magical healing powers and was heavily popular amongst the Oltecs, Mayans and Aztecs*.

For this recipe, I used the a fine quality cocoa powder called Valrhona –this cocoa powder is among the richest, darkest “dutched” cocoa you can find. It is considered by many chefs and gourmands around the world to produce the finest chocolate that contains no added fat or butter oil, resulting in less calories than most chocolate
.*The best part about this hot chocolate recipe is that it’s healthy for you (minus the whipped cream). With no added sugar or minimal fats, this deep-bodied rich chocolate drink will excite your senses and leave you feeling happily satisfied. With cocoa being richer in antioxidants than even red wine and green tea, you’ll feel anything but guilty for enjoying a hot mug of this hot chocolate.
For thousands of years cocoa has been used to treat fatigue, fever, diarrhea, chest ailments and several stomach disorders. Cocoa beans is especially rich in antioxidants called Flavonoids — which are beneficial to arterial health by reducing blood platelet buildup and shielding blood vessels from free radical damage
*. It is said by heating the chocolate, more antioxidants are released and makes absoprtion easier for the body. According to the American Assoication for Advancement of Science, drinking hot chocolate helps you think better too by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain.
Ingredients for Spicy Hot Chocolate: Serves 4; prep time: 5 minutes total cooking time: 10 minutes
- 4 cups organic skim milk
- 1/4 cup Valrhona cocoa
- 4 77% Dark cocoa discs
- 1 teasponn cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon cardamom
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
- cocoa nibs and whipped cream for garnish
Heat the milk in a medium suacepan at medium high heat. Heat until milk is scalded or almost boiling, about 2 minutes. Mix in the cocoa powder, spices and chocolate discs and let it sit for 1 minute. Using a whisk or hand blender, whisk the mixture until frothy. Serve hot and top with whipped cream and sprinkle generously with cocoa nibs. Garnish with hot chiles if desired.
I love this recipe, I could drink endless cups of this hot chocolate — the richness of the cocoa, the tiny bite that settles on your tongue at the end, and the cocoa nibs…YOU GOTTA ADD THE COCOA NIBS! (I found all of my ingredients at Central Market). So there you have it, I’ve found the magical drinks of the gods and it’s healthy, packed full of antioxidants and ridiculously fantastically DELICIOUS. Yep. You’re welcome 

Oh Joy this looks incredible!!! I went and got myself a hot chocolate last night because it was chilly, and it was…ok. Now THIS is what I wish I could have been drinking! I will definitely be giving this a try at home, though mine will certainly not look that beautiful (mostly because I will drink it right away, lol). Thanks for sharing the recipe!
I love a dash of cayenne in my hot chocolate… especially when it’s blizzarding outside. This is just the recipe to warm the soul on those dreary winter days.
The photography for this is just stunning, Joy
I hope this recipe translates well with almond milk because I really want to try it!
Looks delicious! I love the pictures showing the steam coming up and almost shaping to the chili on top. Beautiful!
Oh man… I really want some now =p Will you have them at your potluck next month, Joy?! =p (I hope so…. LOL)
Oh man… I really want some now =p Will you have them at your potluck, Joy?! =p (I hope so…. LOL)
Oh My!!! I’m like drooling here!!! Girl, you are too good…this hot chocolate is spicy, sweet, steamy goodness…ooh baby!!! LOVE your photography!!! xo
I could soooo use a cup of this! Your photos are A-MAZING! I also love Valrhona chocolate and cocoa. I ran out of my stock of it and I’m super upset. Can’t wait to replenish it!
I could sooooo use a cup of this! Your photos are A-MAZING! I also love Valrhona chocolate and cocoa. I ran out of my stock of it and I’m super upset. Can’t wait to replenish it!
How gorgeous!! I am loving the spice and the photo where the smoke is twirling up. So pretty and perfect.
Wow! Your photographs are beyond beautiful. There’s so much atmosphere in them! Thanks for sharing. Yay!
just found your blog… happy I did!! these pictures are gorgeous, and now I need some spicy hot cocoa!
i miss central market!!! i used to go and buy the pate and crackers and have that for dinner in college all the time. yum.
Wow!! I’m not sure if I like the photos better or the chocolate. You are fabulously talented!
Stunning snaps! An amazing cup of chocolate… no one can resist.
Joy – as always gorgeous! This seems like hot chocolate for grown ups and completely fabulous.
This hot chocolate sounds delicious! Great idea to add cardamom
Oh my goodness! Your pictures are incredible. I love the steam and the Christmas tree in the background. Beautiful.
Stunning photos…looks truly tasty and comforting
The presentation of this hot chocolate in this photo will make anyone ready for the holidays.
What are chocolate discs? Could you provide a weight equivalent in chocolate as I have never seen those discs around where I live but would still love to try it! I am not a fan of super sweet choc and much prefer mine with a hint of spice… Thanks!
I can only imagine how superior this hot chocolate is to the pre-mixed stuff – I love that your version is not loaded with refined sugar! Gorgeous photos, by the way
This is brilliant and the photography is marvelous. Sounds like a great addition to a winter brunch.
The pictures are beautiful !
A cup of this spicy chocolate would be really tasty in this cold weather..
Ditto @ BrownSok. Joy, could you please provide weights for the disks?
WOW! Amazing photography! Can I have a cup of that spicy chocolate now ;DD
it is snowing here and this would be great right now!
First time I see a chili on hot chocolate but it is the most amazing thing in the world!
[...] I’m waiting for a good opportunity or, rather more importantly, a good friend to come along. This recipe sounds tantalizing but I found one in David Lebovitz’s The Sweet Life in Paris that [...]
He disfrutado tanto de esta taza de chocolate, tanto, que me ha trasnportado al salón de mi casa inmediatamente. Las fotos son cálidas, hermosas…y el aroma a cardamomo impregna toda la estancia
” I enjoyed both of this cup of chocolate, so much that I had removed to the living room of my house immediately. The photos are beautiful, warm and the scent of cardamom permeates the entire stay ” (Translator)
I indulge in a cup of hot chocolate nearly every night in the winter, and I would love to mix this into my repertoire. If only mine photographed as beautifully as yours! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
This looks fantastic! Gorgeous photos!
Happy New Year to you & Collin! May many more good things happening to you in year 2011! Looking forward to see your organic garden and also your wedding.
Best wishes,
Kristy ((hugs))
p/s did you receive the package?
I’m in love with the spicy-chocolate pairing… I love that momentary pain that’s then soothed by the rich chocolate.
[...] Spice it up with this Spicy Hot Chocolate from Joylicious. [...]